Monday, January 31, 2011

Time to prepare, you never know!!

10 Things We Can Learn From Egypt About Preparing for Economic and Societal Collapse
Posted By Mac Slavo On January 31, 2011 @ 3:12 pm In Emergency Preparedness | 21 Comments
Egypt Riot
As riots spread across the world, having started first in Europe and now engulfing the Middle East, most people in the U.S. outright reject the possibility that the same could happen right here at home. But the fact of the matter is that we remain in economic crisis and there is a real possibility of a total collapse of the system [1] we have come to know.
If the system does happen to collapse, be it because of a hyperinflationary currency meltdown [2], political uprising or anything in between, here are ten things you can expect to happen, just as they are happening in the Middle East today:

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