Friday, January 21, 2011

Corporate control of the media

Last post described how allowing corporations to have legal personhood leads to freedom of speech by corporations, which leads to freedom to donate money as they see fit, which leads to buying politicians.

Next I'll talk about Corporate ownership of the media.  It is a fact in this country that five corporations control almost all the newspaper, radio, and tv outlets in the country.  See these websites to read about it:

With this much control, the public can be told anything the big corporations want us to hear.  Politician free face time (very important for reelection) on the news, misleading economy statistics, distorted overseas news, suppressed demonstrations, and bad corporate behavior news can all be fed to us as they wish.  With the interlocking corporate board of directors and stock ownership, the news from virtually all corporations can be controlled as they desire. 
We were lied to about the crash of 2008, it was actually perfectly predictable, and many did so online in 2005-2008, in blogs just like this one.  The $700 billion the government (actually the taxpayers) gave to hundreds of corporations, which was said to be necessary to save the economy was actually stolen.  No news outlet had any valid analysis or investigation into this event.  Most people in the US were against the bailout, but the politicians didn't listen.  They didn't have to, they had already been paid off, and the news wouldn't tell the truth about it.
Get informed, people, and unite!
The Mogambo Patriot

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