Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Plan for the Betterment of the United States

The United States as we know it is in trouble.  Conversations around the dinner table, at the pub, college campuses and online seem to inevitably turn to this very topic.  What is wrong, and how to fix it are the purpose of this blog.
The Mogambo Patriot wants you to get involved! Lets form  a new committee to fix this.  Lets make a plan, generated by the people, to force the change that is needed.  We tried to vote for change two years ago and look how that turned out.  The people need to get directly involved to bypass elected officials that aren't following our directions.
If you want to get involved on  this committee, since it is my blog (so far) here are my rules:
1) Violence as a part of the solution is forbidden.  We will fix this without violence or we will fail
2) We will obey all laws, but work as hard as possible to change the ones that need to change
3) The Constitution is our founding document.  Some tweaks will be needed.
4) A new economic system needs to be put on the table.  Capitalism is too much based on greed, and freedom loving Americans won't subject themselves to socialism. See #3 above!
If we can get enough people on board, generating a plan generated by contributions from everybody, so when  it is time to vote for it, passage will be assured.

If this blog takes off, it will need a good website and funding.  Any volunteers for webmaster? Any funding suggestions?

1 comment:

president pape said...

It is time for change we need to come to together to let the government know that we need serious change and to also better our lives if this does take off it will be a great achievement and the people will once again follow our ancestors who made this great country it is time for change