Monday, January 31, 2011

Time to prepare, you never know!!

10 Things We Can Learn From Egypt About Preparing for Economic and Societal Collapse
Posted By Mac Slavo On January 31, 2011 @ 3:12 pm In Emergency Preparedness | 21 Comments
Egypt Riot
As riots spread across the world, having started first in Europe and now engulfing the Middle East, most people in the U.S. outright reject the possibility that the same could happen right here at home. But the fact of the matter is that we remain in economic crisis and there is a real possibility of a total collapse of the system [1] we have come to know.
If the system does happen to collapse, be it because of a hyperinflationary currency meltdown [2], political uprising or anything in between, here are ten things you can expect to happen, just as they are happening in the Middle East today:

Continued at:

Friday, January 21, 2011

Corporate control of the media

Last post described how allowing corporations to have legal personhood leads to freedom of speech by corporations, which leads to freedom to donate money as they see fit, which leads to buying politicians.

Next I'll talk about Corporate ownership of the media.  It is a fact in this country that five corporations control almost all the newspaper, radio, and tv outlets in the country.  See these websites to read about it:

With this much control, the public can be told anything the big corporations want us to hear.  Politician free face time (very important for reelection) on the news, misleading economy statistics, distorted overseas news, suppressed demonstrations, and bad corporate behavior news can all be fed to us as they wish.  With the interlocking corporate board of directors and stock ownership, the news from virtually all corporations can be controlled as they desire. 
We were lied to about the crash of 2008, it was actually perfectly predictable, and many did so online in 2005-2008, in blogs just like this one.  The $700 billion the government (actually the taxpayers) gave to hundreds of corporations, which was said to be necessary to save the economy was actually stolen.  No news outlet had any valid analysis or investigation into this event.  Most people in the US were against the bailout, but the politicians didn't listen.  They didn't have to, they had already been paid off, and the news wouldn't tell the truth about it.
Get informed, people, and unite!
The Mogambo Patriot

Thursday, January 20, 2011

In order for you to help begin the process to make the United States a better place, you must become educated in the problems we need to face, and where they come from.  What are the problems?  Here is a start of the list:
Corporate Power
1) Corporate control of the politicians through campaign contributions
2) Corporate control of the media to keep the people mis-informed
Bank Power
1) Central bank control of the economy through the money system
2) Fractional Reserve Banking-- money generated from nothing, and then charging interest for something created from nothing.
3) The unconstitutional creation and continuing existance of the Federal Reserve, which is neither Federal or a Reserve.
4) The removal of the United States illegally from the Gold/Silver standard allowing unlimited creation of fiat money and theft from the people by inflation
Unconstitutional Laws
1) Money system in control by the banks instead of the people as specified in the constitution
2) Reduction of the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, such as the PATRIOT act, and the intrusive TSA and Department of Homeland Security

1) The intrusive EPA and its gestapo like enforcement techniques that eliminate due process
2) All the while the environment continues to degrade because the big polluters have the money to buy influence.
3) Sustainability: how are we going to continue to sustain our quality of life while natural resources continue to deplete at the same time that population continues to expand.
4) Energy is becoming expensive and harder to find, yet the government efforts to support renewable energy are meager, random, and often counterproductive

Quality of Life and Lack of Control
1) Due to the above problems, people feel powerless to control their lives, and either drop out of the process (voting is at an all time low) or react with random acts of violence against people and organizations (mass shootings, assinations)
2) Exploding Medical Costs
3) Exploding Educational Costs
4) Exploding Debt load by people and governments making for higher taxes and inability to keep up with cost of living

The first step to better the United States is to reclaim control of the country from the corporations.  The corporations today have more power than the people.  This power started with one court case in 1886: Santa Clara County v. Southen Pacific Railroad.  You can read about the case and it's importance at:

As of today, corporations have all the rights and privilages of a real person, including full Bill of Rights protection. The most abused right is the right of free speech.  They translate free speech into the right to bribe politicians to make laws more favorable to them.  That is why things keep getting worse.  Just a few weeks ago the Supreme Court ruled that Corporations can make campaign contributions of unlimited value, and with no public disclosure.  Politicians are being bought and paid for!
Corporations also have incredible power because they have tremendously more resources available to them than a real person does.  A person trying to sue a corporation for a mis-deed has almost no chance against the corporate lawyers.  It's almost a joke for a person to sue a corporation, no one in their right mind would consider it.
Because their lifetime is unlimited, their power can continuously increase.  The only people they are beholding to is their stock holders, and stock holders are basically gamblers who could care less about the public good.
Of three groups effected by corporations, (customers, employees, and stockholders), the stockholders have the most influence, followed by slight influence by employees, and little by customers (Let the buyer Beware).
This is the reverse of what would be good for society in general.  Customers should be first (safety, value), with stockholders (gambelers) last, if good for society is the criteria.

So that is your assignment for today.  Get educated. Google is your best friend.
Tomorrow, the media.
Thanks for Reading,
The Mogambo Patriot

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Plan for the Betterment of the United States

The United States as we know it is in trouble.  Conversations around the dinner table, at the pub, college campuses and online seem to inevitably turn to this very topic.  What is wrong, and how to fix it are the purpose of this blog.
The Mogambo Patriot wants you to get involved! Lets form  a new committee to fix this.  Lets make a plan, generated by the people, to force the change that is needed.  We tried to vote for change two years ago and look how that turned out.  The people need to get directly involved to bypass elected officials that aren't following our directions.
If you want to get involved on  this committee, since it is my blog (so far) here are my rules:
1) Violence as a part of the solution is forbidden.  We will fix this without violence or we will fail
2) We will obey all laws, but work as hard as possible to change the ones that need to change
3) The Constitution is our founding document.  Some tweaks will be needed.
4) A new economic system needs to be put on the table.  Capitalism is too much based on greed, and freedom loving Americans won't subject themselves to socialism. See #3 above!
If we can get enough people on board, generating a plan generated by contributions from everybody, so when  it is time to vote for it, passage will be assured.

If this blog takes off, it will need a good website and funding.  Any volunteers for webmaster? Any funding suggestions?