Sunday, February 20, 2011

Another article about the false Left/Right divide:

Don't Let Wisconsin Divide Us ... Conservatives and Liberals AGREE About the Important Things


Washington’s Blog
Don't let Wisconsin divide us.
Conservatives and liberals actually agree about the most important things.
In fact, most Americans - conservatives and liberals - are fed up with both of the mainstream republican and democratic parties, because it has become obvious that both parties serve Wall Street and the military-industrial complex at the expense of most Americans.
In reality, all Americans - conservatives and liberals:
The powers-that-be try to divide us and demonize the "other side" so that we won't realize how much we all agree on. See this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this.
Don't let them.

See the rest at:

Friday, February 11, 2011

Are you a Republican or a Democrat?
If you consider yourself either, or any other policical party, you have fallen into their trap!

We all want the same things out of life: enough to eat, a place to live, a family and some friends, a little entertainment now and then.  So why do we focus on our differences so much?  The media constantly bombards us with all the dividing issues, not the main body of similarities we all share.  What is the purpose,other than to sell newspapers and TV Ads?  Here is why, please read the following blog:

Divide and Conquer is as a tactic of the Elite. The Elite use race, religion, education, income, sex, ethnicity or whatever to get us to see the differences in ourselves.  We are led to believe that our problems lie with our fellow man and not the architects of our world, the Elite. I have had the privilege to travel all over the world and have worked with managers of multi-billion dollar hedge funds to Romanian peasants.  For the most part, people want to do what they want to do, love who they want to love and make a better world for their children.  The Elite don’t want you to see commonality or humanity in your fellow man, that does not serve their interest.  In fact, I bet you have much more in common with the average Iraqi shop keeper, than any of the politicians that represent you.

In order to fix the problems of the country, you first have to learn to think for yourself, and throw off the old paradigms. Get educated.
The Mogambo Patriot